Our Product

Yerba Maté Buds
A new take on this ancient South American herb, Premium Yerba Maté Buds are made from only hand selected buds and are then gently pan toasted using a technique adopted from Chinese green tea and adapted to yerba. Although herbal, yerba maté contains caffeine and high levels of antioxidants. The rigorous clasification and careful processing of these tender tips create a clear green liquor with a complex vegetal bouquet that is noticibly cleaner and sweeter than traditional yerba. Owing to the low levels of bitterness found in the buds, Premium Yerba Maté Buds can be brewed for 7-15 minutes using 190 degree water.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Our squad - Nuestro Equipo

The harvesting crew with their chariot, a circa 1960 landrover. From left to right, Lider, Ramón, Andrés, and Miguel.

Ramón carefully selecting the best, freshest buds of the plant. We leave the old leaves and branches for conventional yerba production:

The fresh buds withering on bamboo trays.

The ladies doing their thing in the factory. Complete Leaf Yerba Mate Buds are harvested, toasted, rolled, and selected totally by hand using renewable hydropower for electricty. Left to Right: Satu, Leli, Marissa, and Diana. The caption in Guaraní on the mural reads ¨Here the best yerba mate is made¨.