Our Product

Yerba Maté Buds
A new take on this ancient South American herb, Premium Yerba Maté Buds are made from only hand selected buds and are then gently pan toasted using a technique adopted from Chinese green tea and adapted to yerba. Although herbal, yerba maté contains caffeine and high levels of antioxidants. The rigorous clasification and careful processing of these tender tips create a clear green liquor with a complex vegetal bouquet that is noticibly cleaner and sweeter than traditional yerba. Owing to the low levels of bitterness found in the buds, Premium Yerba Maté Buds can be brewed for 7-15 minutes using 190 degree water.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Complete Leaf Company

The Complete Leaf Company started with an idea, a belief, and a dream.

The idea is that unique and artisanal products improve our lives and strengthen our bodies and souls. In a sense, that a hand crafted product is alive in that it has a singular composition and backstory. Use of such products is richer when one can perceive, ever so slightly, the botanical miracle of domesticated agriculture and the effort and care the farmer and craftsperson put into what is essentially his or her life’s work. It is recognizing the beauty of the human touch.

The belief is bolder, that business can be done in such a way that only positive impacts are left behind. This means addressing carbon output, sourcing renewable and biodegradable packaging, and using land wisely. It means observing sustainable farming practices and just production policies. It also means forming relationships with our partners that are more than mere transactions. Beyond production it is honoring the first peoples to cultivate the soil and protecting the ecosystems that offered us their bounty. It is leaving a fingerprint instead of a footprint.

The dream is that the idea and the belief will catch hold and become contagious. That they will infect our consciousness and become part of our lives. That a difference will be made simply because we opened our eyes, minds, and hearts as wide as we could and looked around at ourselves, each other, our communities, and this Earth and asked ourselves what is really important. It is about more than the Complete Leaf and a dream, it is about the complete life.

We hope to use Yerba Mate Buds to make this dream a reality by putting into practice each idea elaborated above whether it is a dedication of a portion of every sale to Survival International, a human rights NGO that fights for the last Guaraní in Brazil and other small tribes in Paraguay or our efforts to include our Paraguayan partners in the the development of this project and the benefits of it. Eventually the website will give a thorough overview of the company and the product.

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