Our Product

Yerba Maté Buds
A new take on this ancient South American herb, Premium Yerba Maté Buds are made from only hand selected buds and are then gently pan toasted using a technique adopted from Chinese green tea and adapted to yerba. Although herbal, yerba maté contains caffeine and high levels of antioxidants. The rigorous clasification and careful processing of these tender tips create a clear green liquor with a complex vegetal bouquet that is noticibly cleaner and sweeter than traditional yerba. Owing to the low levels of bitterness found in the buds, Premium Yerba Maté Buds can be brewed for 7-15 minutes using 190 degree water.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Can I Enjoy Yerba Mate Buds?

However you want!

Brew it hot and let it chill or cold steep it leaving the buds in the pitcher over night. I once cold steeped the buds over night and put a lilac flower in the water as well. The flavor was beautiful. Any way you prepare it, the brew is refreshing, energizing, and a beautiful deep green.

Preparing it hot is probably the easiest way to enjoy yerba mate buds. The liquor is deep green, the aroma is strong and yet subtle, and the taste speaks for itself.

The big flavors and hefty mouthfeel of yerba mate buds allows for limitless flavor combinations. Above are chamomile flowers, dried rose buds, a chai mixture (with cinnamon, cardamom pods, nutmeg, cloves, and allspice), and dried hibiscus flowers. The strong taste of the buds allows for mixing with smooth, cooling, spicy, floral, and sweet flavors. Try your own and let us know how it went!

Simply a detail of the buds and the liquor. Is that not the greenest green in a additive free drink?

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